Friday, May 29, 2009

About me...

Hi, Im Christy! I know its misleading but my first name is Lana and have always used that as my puter name for everything! lil tidbit! I am living in Belgium, Europe with my hubby and 3 of my kiddos, the 4th kiddo lives with her mom in OK! I am a stay at home mom! and have been for almost 10 years now! I do enjoy it never really thought that i would be one though! We will be back in the good ol' USA in 12 months! I am sooo excited!! I miss the states sooo bad! I know ppl might like Belgium, but I am not one of them and being here for 5 years... well lets just say .. ick! So my interests vary quite a bit! I love to shop and find good deals although good deals are harder to find over here! I am really hoping to become a professional photographer and be an EMT.. these are dreams that as the years go by I seem to hold onto. I love to get dressed up and do my makeup and show that no matter what your body is you can still look the best you can and you dont have to lose weight to do it! The reason I want to do this blog is so that I can have an outlet for my photography and after watching some youtube tutorials .. I really thinking of starting to do some for clothing and makeup(maybe)! Alot of us plus sized girls need to share our wisdom on how to dress our curvaceous bodies! So let me know what you think ...

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