Sunday, July 12, 2009


Sooo... My friend Keitha thinks that I really need to do this blog thing... Don't really know that my life is that interesting but I will give it ago... So right now in my life I am trying to get organized I really hate not being organized. I like to have my stuff prepped and ready to go it makes life so much easier! Believe me I know ... The past few years I haven't been organized and it is a very frustrating thing. I fight more with the hubby who can't find things or doesn't have clean towels or that piece of paper that is needed right then! Ya'll know what I'm talking about! Some ppl wonder why should I as the wife have to do everything? Well girlies I do understand that trap of thinking ... But I really think it is a trap... I know but hear me out ... When you don't do the stuff who suffers ...U do!!! They just yell and then we are fighting and we still end up doing it! You know it true!! Now for the working woman yes the hubby should help! The question is will he and if he does you will have to let him do it his way and be alright with it! But for me I stay at home, so all the house stuff stays on my shoulders when I throw a fit and don't do anything then I'm still the one who ends up cleaning up the mess! So when I have the house organized... It is easier to keep up .. I can find everything if I keep it that way and hubby learn the system eventually and then they start knowing where to find things and understand your thought process of why you keep the extra snacks , etc. I know that for one you have to organize to the way that will accomadate everyone! If you are frustrated with any certain thing then it is not working try to think how can I make this work where I am happy and they are happy because it is easy for them to! It will always be a work in progress and then on some stuff you will find the way that works and will keep on working for years ahead! Just keep with it! It will cut tons if stress for you and your family!
so that is what I am up to.. Right now I am working on getting my itouch organized with schedules and contacts and such ... I know that having a planner or a device that has all needed at your fingertips is the first thing I have to have! I am a fruitcake when it comes to my thought process! So when I have a thought of what I need to do or get or even my wishlist, if I do not note that thought immediately it is gone! Never to return! Seriously! So having one place for all that stuff that is portable is very mandatory for me! Also making it a habit to use is important! Getting it all organized and then not using it... Well trust me you are just at square one! So don't just expect that everything will come at once, that will not work and will stress you out even more! So I will try to keep this blog thing going! Hope somebody reads it! If not it is still kinda theraputic! Smooches!

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